At Westwood Montessori, we believe that your child should have the best possible experience attending our school.  In order to create a safe and organized environment, we have policies that guide how we run the school and the classes.  We have taken great care to develop a program that best meets the needs of our students.  When you have a moment, please take some time to become familiar with our policies and procedures.


1. Staff Policies

  • All teaching staff at Westwood Montessori are certified as early childhood educators.

  • All teaching staff at Westwood Montessori must hold a current First Aid Certificate.

  • From time to time the school admits children with special needs. Special staffs are required to work with these children in cooperation with the Ministry of Children and Family.



2. Special Events

A. Birthdays
Birthdays are special events at Westwood Montessori. You may provide special snack for your child's celebration. However, Please talk to the Program Director in regards to the FOOD ALERGY that we might have in that class before you send those snack to the Centre.. (NO SUGAR PLEASE).
B. Field Trips
A number of field trips are scheduled within the school year calendar, as an important part of the centre curriculum. Notices and permission slips will be issued in advance. We always welcome parents to volunteer for the short field trip.
C. Holiday Celebrations
At the school we like to celebrate different holidays throughout the year. Sometimes for these celebrations we will have a party within the classroom and will post a sign up sheet for parents to bring in a potluck item. We encourage all parents to assist us by bringing in a dish and a note describing the type of dish and a story behind the ethnic food (For example for Chinese the child could bring in a dish for the new year for longevity and happiness.) If you do not want your child to participate please speak to your child’s teacher in advance otherwise we will serve them with food from the potluck.
Please be sure that all items brought in are NUT FREE as we have children with severe nut allergies.



3. Arrivals and Departures

A. Arrival
All parent/guardian are required to sign in each day. 
For Preschool and kindergarten programs, please wait outside the classroom with your child until the door is opened at 9:00am or 12:30pm. Always make sure a staff member knows of your child’ arrival before leaving. Inform the teachers of anything which might affect his/her day.

For Full day programs, sign your child in, help him/her hang up his/her coat and change to indoor shoes. Always make sure a staff member knows of your child’ arrival before leaving. 
Inform the teachers of anything which may affect his/her day.

When your child is signed in every day, please specify who will pick him/her up at the end of the day. If parent knows that they will be having someone else pock up their child they are requested to inform the center who that person will be, either on the sign in sheet or by phone call to the center.

Parents are encouraged to say good-bye to their child so the child is aware that they are leaving.

Please call the school and let us know if your child will be absent.

B. Departure
We ask that you be punctual when picking up your child. The parent/guardian is required to sign their name on the daily attendance sheet as verification that they have pick up their child. The child’s leaving must also be brought to the attention of the staff member.

C. Snow Days
On days when it is snowing or there is snow on the ground please look for the red traffic cones. If the cones are out in the entrance and exit please enter the driveway at the top (closest to Grizzly Ave) and go out through the exit (closest to the parking lot.) For Preschool and Extended Day children, the teachers will be waiting and will take the children from the cars before class and will have the children ready at the front door to go home after class.



5. Student Release

Westwood Montessori will not release your child from the facility to anyone except the parents of the child or a person authorize to pick up your child, named on registration form and able to care for the child.

In event you are unable to pick up your child, you must inform your teachers. Parents must complete Student release authorization allowing teachers to release child with parent’s written consent. If you have arranged for your child to go home with another student we must have written notification. 

You are asked to assist the staff in protecting your child’s well being by providing current information regarding custody, guardianship or limited access. If there is custody issue a copy of all court orders will require. These will be placed in your child’s file.
In a case of a child’s abduction attempt staff will immediately contact police.
It is the center’s policy not to release to someone less than 16 years of age.

A. Alleged Impaired Parent/Authorized person pick–up

When the parent/guardian or authorized care provider requesting the release of a child appears incapable of providing safe care (i.e. severely ill, emotionally distraught, apparently impaired by alcohol, drugs, medication etc.) the staff will offer to call a relative or friend to pick up the parent/ guardian and the child; offer to call a taxi cab; inform the parent/guardian that if he/she chooses to get in the car with or without the child, the staff will notify the police immediately and call the Ministry of Children and Families. The staff will then document the events and maintain a copy in the student’s file.

B. Late Departures

All children must be picked up by their parent or authorized pick-up persons by the end of class. Parents are to be aware of their child’s designated pick-up time. If an emergency arises on a rare occasion, the pick-up person is expected to notify the Centre as soon as possible and make alternate arrangements for someone else to pick up the student by the designated time. If the parent is late, there will be a $5.00 fine within the first 5 minutes after the end of class and $1 fine for additional minute. Parents are to pay all the late fees directly to the staff. The office will collect the late fee after several reminders.

 If a child is not picked up fifteen (15) minutes after the designated time and the authorized person or parent has not yet called, the Centre will try to contact the parent/guardian at home and work, assisted by their registration form. They will then call the emergency contacts, explain the situation and request that they come to pick up the child.

 If late pick up is a repeated problem, the supervisor and parent/guardian will meet to try to address the problem. If irresolvable, then one month’s notice may be given and termination of service required.

C. Unauthorized person at pick up

If an unauthorized person arrives to pick up your child, the child will remain under the supervision of the staff. The staff person will explain the policy that written authorization from the enrolling parent/guardian is required to release a child. If difficulties arise, all reasonable effort will be made to ensure the safety of the child, other children and staff. If necessity, a staff person may need to call the police for assistance.



6. Child Abuse

The definitions of abuse are:
Emotional: any act, or lack of action, which may dimes the sense of well being of a person in care, prepared in person not in care, (e.g. verbal harassment, yelling)
Physical: any physical force that is excessive for, or inappropriate, situation involving a person in care and perpetrated by adperson not in care.
Sexual: any sexual behavior directed towards a person in care by a person of trust, power, or authority.
Neglect: the failure of a child provider to meet the needs of a person in care (e.g. food, shelter, care, supervision).
Under the Community Care Facility Act is defined as the staff ensures that no child enrolled at Westwood Montessori, while under the care or supervision of the staff, be subject to emotional, physical or sexual abuse or physical or emotional neglect.
•    Abuse – Occurring "outside" the facility
When a child discloses abuse, staff will listen and document what student is disclosing. Staff will attempt to gather facts and be supportive. Staff will not share information with parent or other staff members. The matter will be dealt with the strictest confidence.

A formal report will be made to the Ministry of Children and Family Development. If the nature of abuse is life threatening they are expected to take action immediately.

It is our opinion, our duty and Law to report any form of abuse.

Ministry of Children & Family Development
Toll free after hours                 1-800-663-9122
Vancouver                                604-660-4927
Helpline for children                604-310-1234

•    Abuse – Occurring "Inside" the facility
If the suspected abuse occurred at the center, the staff must immediately notify the Administrator. The administrator will complete and submit a serious incident form to Fraser Health Region-Community care facilities licensing office.

During investigation:

  • Suspected employee will be removed from facility,

  • Suspected abuse reported to Simon Fraser Health Unit,

  • Medical health officer to investigate.

All matters are kept confidential.



7. Clothing of Children

Children need to have appropriate clothing for outdoors and / or indoors as they are participating in a variety of art and play activities.

Your child needs to have at the Center at all times:

  • Change of clothing, shirt, pants, sock, and underwear

  • Runners (soft shoe)

  • Puddle pants (Nylon plastic pants)

  • Boots

  • Blanket for naptime. The blanket should not be too large, as it is not required for    warmth, but for comfort.

  • In winter, your child needs mitts or gloves and a warm hat for cold weather.

All of the above items should be labeled with your child's name kept in a backpack in your child's cubby or on the clothing shelf.



8. Lunch

Your child will be required to bring a nutritious lunch consisting of a healthy main dish (rice, sandwich, soup etc.) and a fruit or vegetable. The teachers will request that your child eats their main dish first, then their fruit or vegetable before eating other items in their lunch unless a lunch plan has been set up between the teachers and parents. A microwave oven is available for warming up children's lunches, provided that the lunch is brought in a microwavable container.

In order for us to do our part for the environment we have implemented a no juice box rule. Please send a reusable container with your child’s lunch. Any juice boxes sent to school will be returned home empty.

The school provides snack. If your child has any food allergies or diet restrictions, please inform us in order to avoid any possible problems.

Please do not send any candies, chocolate, pop, or excess sweet desserts with your child's lunch.



9. Health and Illness

Westwood Montessori School employs staff duly trained and certified in First Aid Courses.  They are given adequate information on health and safety regulations in accordance with the CCFACC Regulations.  They also receive detailed information on emergency evacuation procedures, how to deal with hazards, and accidents occurring at the centre that may affect the children.

A.    Exclusion Policy due to Illness
While we are sensitive to the stress that illness may cause for families, but it is important that you plan ahead for his/her care should your child have to stay home due illness. We need your cooperation. 

In order to protect the entire group of children, we ask that parent’s assist by keeping their children at home if they have experienced any of the following symptoms within the past 24 hours.

  • Fever over 38.3'C/100F

  • Any complain of unexplained or undiagnosed pain

  • Cold with fever, running nose and eyes, coughing and sore throat,

  • Difficulty in breathing wheezing or a persistent cough,

  • Sore throat or trouble swallowing ,

  • Infected skin or eyes or undiagnosed rush,

  • Headache and stiff neck,

  • Diarrhea, vomiting, or an upset stomach

  • Severe itching of body and scalp,

  • Children with known or suspected communicable diseases.

If your child comes with any of these symptoms at center or is not well enough to take part in the regular program you will immediately phoned to come and pick him/her up.

Please ensure that your child has been symptoms free of fever, diarrhea and/or vomiting  for at lease 24 hours for children 3 to 5 years old and 48 hours for children 1 to 3 years old before bringing him/her back to center.

If you are not sure of your child’s illness or infection please contact the center before you arrive at the center.

In the case of serious illness or communicable disease Westwood Montessori require doctor’s approval before the child can return to the center.

B.    Immunization
It is essential that the center have up to date immunization record of each child or a letter that the child is not immunized. Upon registration each child is required to have on filed a copy of the immunization record/health passport. Please keep us informed of any new immunizations.

C.    Communicable Disease
Control of communicable disease among children is a prime concern. Families are asked to notify staff as soon as possible as you is aware that your child or a family member has contracted a communicable disease. Please note that the center will needs to notified Medical Health Officer /Licensing officer within 24 hours, notice will be posted at all the notice boards in the center. List of reportable Communicable Diseases is available at the center.

D.    Medical Emergency
If your child is injured or becomes ill while at Westwood Montessori, staff will quickly assess the situation to decide what action/attention is required. Outlined below are the procedures that may be followed. Please keep all Medical records, and Emergency Consent Form current. Please notify the center of any changes on emergency numbers for reaching you and emergency contact persons.

If First Aid treatment is required, staff qualified in First Aid will:

  • Provide first aid treatment;

  • Acknowledge the child's feeling

  • Provide close supervision to ensure that the child does not require further first aid or medical attention;

  • Complete an Incident Report and process

  • Inform the family when they come to pick up the child

If medical attention is required, a staff person qualified in First Aid will attend to the needs of the child while another staff person will:

  • Contact the family/ guardian, then the emergency contact(s) if the family/guardian is not available;

  • Contact the child's family doctor if the family/contacts cannot be reached

  • If the child's family doctor is not available; proceed as if it is an emergency medical situation;

  • Access transportation to take the family and the child to the medical facility;

  • Access the child's file for medical information and emergency consent form;

  • Accompany the child or the family to the medical facility with medical information;

  • Provide information to doctor and family/emergency contact person;

  • Support the child and the family/emergency contact person;

  • Complete an Incident Report and process.

If emergency medical attention is required, qualify staff will administer First Aid until emergency response personnel arrive (fire/ambulance). Westwood Montessori staff will:

  • Call and request an ambulance;

  • Contact family and/or emergency contact(s) as above to meet staff at the emergency facility and provide access to transportation for the family/contact, if required

  • Access medical information as above;

  • Accompany the child to the emergency facility;

  • Provide information to the doctor and family;

  • Support the child and family;

  • Complete an Incident Report and process.



10. Medication Administration

If you would like the Staff to administer prescription or non-prescription medication to your child, the Child Care Licensing Regulation requires that we follow specific procedures as follows:

  • Medication must be provided in the original container and be labeled with the child's name;

  • Administer Medication Consent form must be completed by the parent with instructions on administering the medication personally to staff member.

  • The medication will be store in a locked container in the classroom or in the refrigerator depending on the storage instruction on the label. It must be inaccessible to the children (except puffers).

  • The staff member will keep record of medication administered (date, time, dosage, by whom).



11. Allergies

Please ensure that the center is informed of any allergies your child may have, as this could lead to serious problems if we are unaware and you child suffers an allergic reaction. We will require parent complete an Allergies medical form, so staff can follows the treatment plan as stated in the form.



12. General Cleanliness and Hygiene

Children in the center are encouraged and taught how to keep themselves clean. Paper towels are provided for their use. Children are supervised in toileting and washing hands. All toys/ equipment are regularly cleaned and disinfect.
•    Laundry
We ask parents to wash their child's bedding linen every week. The staff will wash mattress sheets weekly.



13. Parent and Teacher Relation

Communication between teachers and parents is a prime objective of the Center. This is accomplished through a number of means.
Monthly newsletter are produced and distributed to all parents during the year. 
All parents are invited and encouraged to observe their children's participation in the school's programs.
One to one discussions with parents regarding their child's participation in the encouraged and will be arranged by staff or parents.
All the important news, field trip, special themes, and other relevant information are posted on the bulletin board at Parents Area.
Parent and teacher dialogue or interviews are scheduled each term. Parents will be advised through notices. However, parent wishing to clarify urgent situations and concern are advised to request for a special time to discuss matters outside of class hours.



14. Concern/complaints procedure

If you have a concern or complaint about the program or staff, please discuss with the program Director.

If you feel that your concerns are not being addressed/resolved or your concern involves the Supervisor, please contact the Manager.